Friday, April 30, 2010

Scirrocan Winds

During the night, the Scirrocan winds began to blow and shutters rattled while wind chimes down on Juliet’s lower level called out through the night. We woke up to a complete change in the weather, from slightly cool during the day to quite cool in the evening and very dry to a warm sort of tropical wind that blew relentlessly throughout the entire day, tangling the wind chimes beyond repair and leaving them silent. It was such a drastic change! Dave and Juliet told us that these winds at times blow in red sands from the Sahara desert and leave a reddish golden coat of sand on everything before they die down. It reminded us of the Santa Anna winds that blow off the coast of California, which are said to make people somewhat crazy…Dave and Juliet agreed that the same effect happens in Crete.

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